A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families..... Psalms 68:5-6

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's almost time:-)

Here we are on Thanksgiving Eve and it's less than 48 hours until I leave. Lots of emotions but the one that stands out is the obvious. Thanksgiving. I am so thankful that God has led us down this path again; thankful that I know my kids are going to be well taken care of while I'm gone; for my mother-n-law and father-n-law who are going to help Steve while I'm gone; thankful that God has provided for every need in this process (even when we didn't see how it was possible); thankful for my wonderful husband who has followed me through two adoptions saying all the time....I trust you; thankful for my children who have hearts more precious than gold; thankful for friends, that I have never met in person, that propped me up more times than I dare count, when we waited day after day in this seemingly endless process (I could not have survived without you); thankful for a precious child that God has hand-picked for OUR family. Not the family down the street or in the next city or another state. No, Desi was chosen for OUR family. Thankful for the things that I do not feel I am entitled too. I am thankful for these things in my life because they are blessings from God.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to your family! You will be in our thoughts and prayers while you're on your journey. Will see you at the airport on the 9th! :-) May God's blessings follow you!!!!

    Kim R & family
