A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families..... Psalms 68:5-6

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 52:-(

Well, here we are....Day 52! Three days into our 8th week and still no word of our LOA. I'm hoping to see it this week, but some people have posted that their agency has told them not to expect anything for another 2-3 weeks. I am at a loss:-( Desi still doesn't know she has a family waiting for her, we can't file any other paperwork to bring her home and I am just dang mad having to wait this long for ONE PIECE OF PAPER!!!! Please pray that China sends our LOA this week....please.

On another note, I have been thinking a lot about the things that Desi may have problems doing like typing, texting, tying her shoes, buttons, fixing her hair, jumping rope by herself, riding a bicycle,,,,,, There are so many things we take for granted having both hands that our baby girl will have to find creative ways to accomplish. I knew there would be certain things we would have to do differently, but when you sit and think about it, there are SO MANY. I look forward to helping her "figure out" all the things she can do by herself and also finding ways for her to do those things that may not necessarily come easy. Just another adventure in the Malone household.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mary!

    Know that you're in my prayers! Watching your process like a hawk. . . . Wanted to let you know that when I traveled with a mutual friend of ours, we met a young boy (~8 yo) who did not have hands. I was completely impressed and amazed that he could use chopsticks (much better than I) and a digital camera.

    Where there's a will, there's a way. :-) Looking forward to watching her blossom.

