A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families..... Psalms 68:5-6

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A new beginning

I decided to delete all the old posts as we've started a new chapter in this adoption adventure:-) I don't want to look back at all the heartache we've experienced this past year so I'm starting from scratch!!!

Just a few moments ago we applied to Great Wall to adopt from CHINA!!! Apparently this is where God is leading us (if I were into confessing I'd have to say I knew this all along).

I have gathered a few documents and will be sending off for our background checks this week. Once we get approval and get our required physical documents it'll be off to the doctor. Since our homestudy is already done for Taiwan it should only take updating a few documents to have it completed and then we can apply for our I-800.

I'm really hoping to have a Log-In Date by the end of January or before. That way maybe we'll have a referral soon after and I can travel during the summer. Of course, this all hinges on the economy, business, money, etc.

So, here we go again. I pray to God that this will give us the daughter we so desperately DESIre.



1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post! Praying that the Lord will unite you with your daughter.
